Master in International Finance |
Tipo de estudio | Masters |
Método de estudio | Presenciales |
Categoría | Finanzas |
Formación mínima requerida | Licenciado |
Idioma | Inglés |
Centro | IEB-Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles |
Duración | 800 horas |
Lugar | Madrid |
Fecha de Inicio | Consultar fecha de inicio |
Precio | 35000€ |
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Objetivos | The globalization set in motion during the last century is consolidating in this 21st century. Social affaires, the world of culture, politics and the economy are breaking national boundaries and jump vertiginously from one continent to another. The world of finance is not outside the globalization we are experiencing; indeed, financial markets are probably the main exponent of the international character of relations between people. Any professional who aims high, searching for achievement and great success in the financial environment should therefore be thoroughly prepared, both technically and internationally. The IEB, as leader in financial training in Spain and the Iberoamerican region is promoting this Master in International Finance aimed at those professionals who aspire to elite positions. Objectives The globalization set in motion during the last century is consolidating in this 21st century. Social affaires, the world of culture, politics and the economy are breaking national boundaries and jump vertiginously from one continent to another. The world of finance is not outside the globalization we are experiencing; indeed, financial markets are probably the main exponent of the international character of relations between people. Any professional who aims high, searching for achievement and great success in the financial environment should therefore be thoroughly prepared, both technically and internationally. The IEB, as leader in financial training in Spain and the Iberoamerican region is promoting this Master in International Finance aimed at those professionals who aspire to elite positions. The Wharton School Academic Stay Part of the course of study for the Master in International Finance degree will take place at the Wharton School. Students will attend lectures delivered by both Wharton and IEB faculty on Wharton’s Philadelphia campus. The week in the U.S. also includes a trip to New York City. Students will visit Wall Street and the NYSE, as well as various firms in Manhattan’s financial district. While students are in Philadelphia, some of the lectures will be delivered at the Racquet Club of Philadelphia, the oldest and most exclusive club in the city. The Wharton School was founded in 1881 at the University of Pennsylvania. It is the world’s first collegiate school of business, and is recognized internationally for its global leadership in finance. Wharton has the largest, most cited business school faculty, with 265 standing faculty and associate members in 11 academic departments. The school is also home to more than 25 research centers and initiatives. More than 12,000 executives attend Wharton’s executive education programs each year, and Wharton has more than 84,000 alumni in 140 countries around the world. During the period of time in Wharton School, part of the lectures will be given in the Racquet Club of Philadelphia, the oldest and most exclusive club of the capital of Pennsylvania. The program includes a stay in New York visiting Wall Street and other entities in the Financial District. Students will also have the opportunity of attending, at no additional cost, one of the Specialization Programs given by the IEB during the autumn term, from Monday to Thursday in the afternoon. The London School of Economics Academic Stay The Master student will receive classes in the London School of Economics for a week. Lectures will be given by prestigious professionals from the City of London as well as by members of the LSE’s faculty. The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE ) is a centre of world renown for teaching and research in all matters related to economic, social and political sciences. There is no other university in the world which is as global in the origin of its students and teachers, or in the focus of its activity. Ever since its foundation, the aim of the LSE has been to convert itself into an authentic laboratory of economic and social sciences, a platform to develop, analyze and assess ideas to be divulged around the world. LSE has over 65,000 registered students in 195 countries. LSE has, for many years, occupied the first places in the Times Higher Education Supplement rankings, only behind Harvard University and before institutions such as Stanford University or MIT. Its library is the most extensive social sciences library in the world. Founded in 1896, it is also known as the British Library of Political and Economic Science. Over 95 percent of its funds are available during opening hours. Its 4 million printed volumes are stored on 50 km of shelves. There are over 1,600 study posts with 480 connected PCs and 226 sockets for laptops. Over 8,000 electronic publications are available online. Located in the heart of London, the school is in the centre of one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. At a stone’s throw from the European legal and financial centers, LSE is at the centre of international debate, fundamental for the identity of the School as an outwardly oriented institution with an active participation in British, European and world affaires. LSE graduates are found in posts of responsibility in economic, business, industrial, political and social sectors and in international organizations around the world. LSE students and teachers include 13 Nobel Prize winners, 28 Heads of State and personalities in government positions around the world. Students can also enjoy the British tradition of London clubs since during their stay in London they will be invited to a Gala dinner in the Carlton Club. |
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